Postgraduate Programmes

Posgraduate Botany programmes are available at PhD, MPhil, MSc and PGD levels. Please check application forms for PG programmes at the School of Postgraduate Studies (SPGS) application forms portal:


UG Programme

Our B. Botany undergraduate degree programme is a single Department with a pluralistic nature. An abode of life at all levels, cellular, Microbial and microbial. She stretches herself in services to other sister Departments that deal with life in all its ramifications. SEE DETAILS

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Phone: +234 803 5868 950

Current HoD

Prof. Ramatu Enehezeyi Aliyu

HoD, Department of Botany

Welcome Message

Welcome to Department of Biology, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. A single Department with a pluralistic nature. An abode of life at all levels, cellular, Microbial and microbial. She synthesizes various aspects of life viz; mycology, virology, phycology, entomology, parasitology, immunology, epidiomology, evolution, ecology, conservation, molecular biology, genetics, cytosystematics, radiation biology, fisheries and food science, without being cataclasmic. She stretches herself in services to other sister Departments that deal with life in all its ramifications; a template for impressing the basic tenets of biology.

Departmet of Biology awards Bachelor of Sciences (B.Sc.) degree in Biology, Botany and Zoology. Little wonder, the products of this great Department serve in various capacities cutting across several organizations, academic and research institutions, ministries and parastatals

The Academics

Mission, Vision and Philosophy


To establish and nurture a department that provides excellent teaching, research and consultancy services in the field of Botany, for the enhancement of local, national and global ecologic-economic wellbeing of humans.


To be a focused, proactive, dynamic, upward-bound and foremost centre for teaching and research in the science of Botany ; producing well nurtured graduates that will be in a position to contribute to the advancement of botanical knowledge at local, national and global levels.


The philosophy behind the B.Sc. Botany programme is to produce graduates with a broad-based degree, a good working knowledge in other areas of Botany, which will be very useful to society.

It will also endow the products of the B.Sc. Botany programme with the ability to make valuable contributions to contemporary issues of National and International interest in respect to Botany.

This strategy will broaden the employment opportunities of our graduates as they will be better prepared after training to establish as private entrepreneurs or take up employment in various organizations.

Google Scholar

Featured Staff on Research Visibility

Google Scholar

Prof. Wilson Oliver Hamman

We are proud to feature another distinguished scholar of ABU named Prof. Wilson Oliver Hamman, Professor of Professor of Human Anatomy at Ahmadu Bello University Zaria who, as at the last check, had not less than 552 citations with (h-Index score of 13 and i10-Index score of 23) credited to his research works as documented on Google Scholar.

The featured scholar’s areas of interest/specialization include Reproductive Science (with emphasis on fertility control)

Citations Chart







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